mysterious frogs/개구리에 대한 상식

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서핑 2006. 8. 30. 09:52


Pygmy Marsupial Frog
(Flectonotus pygmaeus)

From: BioTeacher
Subject: More frogs - frog9945.jpg - Parental care in frogs
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 20:43:27 -0700

Pygmy marsupial frog (AKA Puerto Cabello Treefrog)
Flectonotus pygmaeus
South America
Photo: Michael Fogden

Some frogs, such as this one, raise the young in pouches inside the skin
of the back (hence the name "marsupial"). When the young are ready to
emerge, the skin on the back splits open to allow them to get out.