mysterious frogs/개구리에 대한 상식

The tree frog that eats bats

서핑 2006. 11. 22. 22:27

Bats that eat tree frogs are unusual enough. But a tree frog that eats bats?
Words and Images: D Bruce Means 

Crack of doom
The stench of ammonia rising off bat guano burns my nose, and the acrid vapours nearly choke me. A muffled roar rises from deep inside the abyss below me. Listening carefully, I can distinguish myriad clicks and squeaks amid the rush of beating wings. I peer down the beam of my headtorch into the 20m shaft and see blurred movement. In a moment, 110,000 little bent-wing bats Miniopterus australis will begin an evening's hunting. They will emerge en masse from Bat Cleft, where I sit, a small, 2.5m by 9m fissure in the limestone sidewall of Mount Etna, Queensland, Australia.





'mysterious frogs > 개구리에 대한 상식' 카테고리의 다른 글

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